Puppy Socialisation

Set your puppy up for success from the very beginning

In this course, you will discover how to socialise your puppy to a range of different experiences in a gentle and gradual way.

> Develop your puppy’s confidence and social skills with fun activities for indoors and outside.
> Understand how puppies play with one another and how to interpret their body language.
> How play-time with you can build trust so new experiences become ‘no big-deal!’
> Teach them to ‘watch the world go by’ whilst having fun with you!

So if you’ve wanted to know what ‘socialisation’ is and what it means for you and your puppy,
this course is for you! 

Course Summary

Build up your puppy's experiences of the world around them in a careful manner to ensure that they develop a relaxed and confident outlook on life. Early experiences shape your puppy's emotional blueprint so it's important to set them up for success from the very beginning.

This easy-to-follow course will guide you through how to introduce your puppy to different experiences and build up their social skills in a calm and gentle way. 

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing